Microblading 101: The Details of my Eyebrow Job
A beauty post? What? Who am I?
Answer: Hardly the person to be handing out beauty advice. I would definitely consider myself low-maintenance when it comes to the beauty upkeep world. I mean… I don’t even get my nails done… like ever.
When I first met Salen of NYTW Beauty Bar in Montgomery, NY, the conversation went something like this:
Salen: “ How do you typically pencil in your eyebrows? “
My Response: “ I don’t.”
Salen: “ And your just going to go for it with microblading?”
Me: “Yes, I trust you".”
I trusted her so much, that I waited 10 months for my first appointment with her without even knowing her and I’d wait 20 months if I had to. I followed her instagram and her before and afters were absolutely amazing. Not only does she have amazing precision and skill, but she’s the nicest most down to earth person you’ll ever meet. In fact, I’m convinced we’re in some way related, she says we’re twins… and I think that’s super flattering. And I’ve recommended her time and time and time again. In fact, every female in my family in the area (with the exception of my 6 year old niece Emmie) has gotten their eyebrows done by her, including my mom who struggled to have her eyebrows grow in following chemo many years ago. I have had friends who’ve driven over 2 hours to be in her chair, and every single person has said she was worth the wait.
total twins, right? : )
So most friends I send to Salen always have a ton of questions before and after. In this post I’ll break them down (so that I can just refer my friends now to this post… lol), and if you’re not local, hopefully it’ll help with all your questions regarding the process as well.
Also full disclosure: I get no kickback from this post. I just love Salen so much that I think anyone considering this procedure should be in her chair. (However, she did make me Pho once, and I’ll welcome more of that if she feels like making it..lol)
Here’s some before and afters of her work:
Here’s my before and afters:
And after touch- ups in 2020:
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Microblading
#1: What is microblading?
It’s technically a semi-permanent tattooing technique, where a micro blade artist uses a tiny needle to scratch and deposit pigment within your skin to give the look of fuller brows. I shy away from saying tattooing, because they don’t use the same type of equipment or “ink”, and the pigment used does fade over time. The definition given on Salen’s website reads: Microblading, also known as eyebrow embroidery or 3D brows, is a relatively new manual method for enhancing eyebrows. It is considered to be permanent makeup, as compared to the traditional hair stroke technique done by machine. It is done using a very fine blade to deposit pigment into the epidermis. Because the color is closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no spilling under the skin.
#2: How long does the process take?
With Salen, 2 hours from start to finish. The first 20-30 minutes you sit with numbing creme on your eyebrows. She used some app to figure out the perfect ratio of the eyebrows on my face, drew them out, then once I ok’d the shape she began.
#3: Does it hurt?
If done right, it shouldn’t hurt at all! It just felt like someone was scratching my skin, very minimal discomfort. My eyebrows were sore for the 24 hours after the procedure. Which I’ll get in to later.
#4: Is it permanent?
It’s semi-permanent and will fade over time. This is all really dependent upon your skin. Therefore, you can schedule a touch-up once a year. Touch-ups take an hour and 15 minutes with Salen. I always book my touch-up at my previous appointment, because Salen books up so fast.
#5: How much does it cost?
It really depends on where you go. NYC charges anywhere from $800 to over $1k. When I first got my eye brows done three years ago by Salen, I paid $500, which includes the touch up weeks later. Her price went up to $600 last year. My touch-up one year later was $150. I tried to tip her every time , but she wouldn’t accept it.
#6: Why did you choose Salen?
First I wanted my eyebrows microbladed because no matter how much I tried to grow my eyebrows in, they were always thin and never achieved the look I wanted. I had light brown eyebrows, almost a tad blonde (because back in the day I was a natural blonde), and most before and afters I saw of people I researched in the area showed either really dark brown eyebrows or reddish toned. Salen had the most before and afters with women with my tone eyebrows. Her before and afters were the most natural-looking as well. I’ve seen people get theirs done it and legitimately looks like someone drew bold lines above their brows. I wanted the look of hair strokes.
#7: Did you wax your eyebrows before you went to Salen?
I didn’t and that’s just really personal preference. I didn’t really know what to expect, so I let mine grow in a little bit, so that Salen had more to work with in terms of determining the perfect shape. I’m not really sure if that mattered though.
#8: What’s the process like?
First she puts numbing creme on your brows for around 20-30 minutes. Then you sit in the chair and discuss the shape and look you’re going for. She uses an app over your face to determine ratios and she draws out the shape first. She then hands you a mirror to discuss the shape and ask your thoughts. If adjustments are needed she makes them- and then she gets to work with the actual hair strokes. When she’s done, she places the pigment over them and let’s it sit for a bit. It’s super scary if you go to the bathroom during this time because you look like the Dad from American Pie when you look in the mirror. After some time, she wipes it all off, and shows you your new brows. She then discusses after care procedures and and sets up your touch up for 4-6 weeks later.
#9: How did you choose the shape and shading?
Salen helped determine that for me, however, she did post these two images on her instagram page once, and they were super helpful:
#10: How often do you do a touch-up?
First time around, you get a touch-up 4-6 weeks later which is included in the initial price. After that, once a year if you would like.
#11: What’s the after-care like?
First day, your eyebrows will be a little sore and red. They’ll also be very dark. So don’t let the color scare you. It will fade! Salen instructed me to wash my face every 2 hours with Cetaphil or Dove liquid soap and luke warm water. Pat dry your eyebrows and using a q-tip apply the vaseline-like stuff she gives you (I think it’s called skin candy) to your brows each time afterwards.
Days 2-7: 2-3 times a day lightly apply the skin candy using a Q-tip. And Avoid the following:
Touching your eyebrows directly with your fingertips.
Sleeping on your face for 10 days.
Super hot showers and/or having the shower head spray directly on to your face.
Use of Retin-A, Glycolic Acids, Peroxide, or Neosporin on your eyebrows.
Heavy Sweating/ Working out for the first 3-5 days.
Applying makeup on your eyebrows or tinting them for 10 days.
Exposing your eyebrows to direct sunlight, facials, chemical peels, swimming, whirlpools, saunas, or botox for 7 days.
I believe you also can’t get botox in the 7 days prior too. Don’t quote me on that though, I didn’t ask.
Under no circumstances should you scrub, scratch, or pick your eyebrows off. They will scab a little, it’ll seem like dry skin. Leave them alone!
Expect your eyebrows to be a lot lighter, as well as shrink in size during the healing process. If you would like them larger or darker, Salen will take care of that during the touch up.
#12: If I’m not local to you, how can I find a good micro blade artist?
Check their social media, reviews, before and afters!! Make sure they’ve done eyebrows similar to the look your looking for in terms of color, shape, and shading. I feel like Salen’s super long wait list is what did it for me. I thought: if I have to wait this long she must be good. Be weary of those who can get you in the door that week- unless they had a cancellation. (BTW- Salen does have a cancellation list. Most people might think- who would cancel after waiting that long? My SIL had to when she scheduled hers 9 months in advance and then had to be away in CA for a work conference).
For more information regarding questions, you might find her FAQ page helpful as well:
Lastly, if you’re looking to book Salen or one of her associates, check out her instagram here:
Her website here:
And tell her I sent you! You won’t be disappointed.
As always, thanks for stopping by, supporting, and sharing!
<3 Barbra
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